Airships are a mode of transport within the Adventure Realm in Annoying Villagers series, presumably constructed by the Divine Mobs or created directly by the Creators. They made their debut in Annoying Villagers 42.
The Airships are a large ship made of wood and stone blocks. There are two variants of the airships, one type is carried by a large air bag similar to zeppelins blimps and other dirigibles, while the other type is carried by several ghasts. Both types have a bridge for people to stand on. The zeppelin-like airships have a propeller behind the airbag for propulsion. They are transport-oriented and are used to carry people and goods.
Several airships flying around the Adventure Realm in Annoying Villagers 42
An airship on board carried by ghasts in the same episode
Several airships flying around the Adventure Realm in Annoying Villagers 55