Overview | Characters | Weapons | Transcript |
Steve: Not now, We dont have time for this!
Fuzzy Cloud: You're right. There's never enough time
(Fuzzy dealt a wind blow against Steve)
Steve: AHHHH!
Woopie The Sword: STEVEEEE!
Mr. Oinkers: He's appeared. Conserve your vital energy for the final battle
Blue Demon: The ignorant.. They are truly blessed! For if you knew what was about to happen you would shrivel in fear.
Flanker: “The enemy has no ranged weapons, the enemy has no ranged weapons! Shoot them on a distance, shoot them on a distance! Protect the archers and shoot them down!”
Dodge_Course: “Yeah, we don’t want any casualties, we’re not gonna have any casualties!”
Swordsman Herobrine: “Second form, release!”
(Demoniac Voltage Reaver glows, elongates , and screams loudly, as Herobrine Greg creates a portal that goes to the players. Swordsman Herobrine then extends his sword to the portal, effectively killing numerous players.)
Zangjinfei: "He’s hacking! He’s totally hacking! My mom said not to play Minecraft with hackers!”
Centranos: “Gah! My sword thrusts for shelter, my sword thrusts for shelter!”
Arslan S: “I need to keep observing. I need to find any weaknesses so we can launch a counter attack!”
ShuguangFOS: “Ah, what are you doing? Let go! Let go! It’s right there! The sword! You traitor! I thought we were friends?! I added you to my friends list! AAAAHHHHHH!”
Shadow_Reaper: “Hey! My Minecraft skin looks like your Minecraft skin. Can I join your team?”
Shadow_Reaper: “Aaah, oh yes!”
Herobrine: “You primitive creatures, you can’t understand. You can’t understand what I’m doing. You don’t even understand what you are doing, what you are doing to each other. That the very actions you are taking, is leading to the very destruction of your home? So what am I to do, to be a God that accepts your suffering?”
Herobrine: “That accepts you harming each other endlessly? To just stand there and do nothing?”
Herobrine: “No, no I chose to help you. Even if you reject me, even if you don’t understand, I will help you.”
Herobrine: “For this isn’t what a loving god should do?”
Chris: “I will give you my answer, but first, I wanna hear your story. Will you tell me your story?”
Herobrine: *gasps* “You’re the first one to ever ask me that. Very well. I shall tell you, I shall tell you my story. In the past, I was merely an observer. I would watch and watch. Looking at everything you creatures did and trying to understand and I saw many things. I saw, many of you were suffering, that you were crying, that you felt all alone. I wanted to help, so I offered my help in subtle ways, not enough to be intrusive, but just enough I thought to give you direction, to simply plant the seed that you can overcome the obstacles you face. I’ve remembered. I was always wishing, wishing to teach you, to show you all. I was always hoping, hoping that you would love yourself and your world just as much as I did for you so you would stop crying, that you would smile, that you could smile with everyone else. Because what else a Creator would wish for?”
Blue: “Ahhh! My house, someone ruins my house! I work really hard on it too! Why is live so unfair! Why can’t people just be nice to me?! If I find whoever did this…”
Blue: “I hate everything! I hate flowers too!”
Willibear123: “Hey what are you doing, that’s my flower garden!”
Blue: (laughs and flees) “Now you know what it feels like to be me!” *giggles*
HERO7655: “Hey get away from this village, this village is under my protection!”
Blue: “No this is not your village, it doesn’t have your name on it!”
HERO7655: “Ah no, having your name on things doesn’t make it yours!”
Blue: (writes “BLUE” on a villager’s head) “Eh what, it doesn’t? Then what does? I thought it was the rule!”
Unnamed Brown-Robed Villager: “Ah, this better be washable, or we’re gonna have some problems.”
Arslan S: “Hey that guy that keeps breaking everything. Go away we don’t want you here!”
HERO7655: “Why would you keep trying to ruin everything? I don’t understand you.”
Blue: “Why can’t you just let me play with the villagers?”
Unnamed Brown-Robed Villager: “Stop treating me like an object! I have feelings too.”
Unnamed Brown-Robed Villager and Blue: “Huh?”
X_Grave_X: “You can’t understand each other, then why bother? You can just fight. There’s PvP in this game for a reason. Let whoever with the most might be the one who is right. For we living in the world for the strongest, and they can decide all of the rules!”
Herobrine: “Why couldn’t any of you see, that all your attacks, they were really just cries for help? You were hurting in the inside and you didn’t know what to do. You didn’t even know how to ask for help. You thought hurting someone else would solve it. But really, all you wanted was to be understood. I do, I understand you. That’s why I chose to help you.“
Arslan S: “He keeps respawning and fighting us, this is getting so annoying.”
X_Grave_X: “He will eventually learn his place. Just like the rest of us.”
Blue: “I need to get my revenge! Where’s my spare sword? Huh?”
Herobrine: “I offered my help, over and over again, yet I was always rejected every time. You can’t understand how wrong you are. Because all you know is being wrong, so I will help you. I will force my help on you, even if you reject me, even if you don’t understand. Isn’t this the responsibility of having power?”
Blue: “Ahhh! There’s so many zombies, where did all of these zombies came from?”
HERO7655: “Ah! Why are these zombies so strong?”
X_Grave_X: “It’s because we’re weak.”
Herobrine: “But I know this might cause you to suffer even more intensely now than you have before. But I will find a way, a solution that works for everyone else. So please, please just endure it.”
Herobrine: “I hope, I hope one day, one day you and everyone else will understand that you’ll know that everything I did, I did for you, all of you. I wish you didn’t have to suffer, that no one had ever to suffer. But-“
Blue Demon: “-but someone has to be the demon, for someone else to play the hero.”
HERO7655: “No! I will stop your evil!”
Herobrine: “What you call evil, is my greatest love for you…”
Herobrine: “So let me ask you. Am I really an evil God? Is that how you see me? What would you do, what would you do if you have my power? How would you use it? Can’t you understand me? I just wanted you to stop suffering. That’s why I have to use my power, my power to control you. So you could finally stop hurting yourself. Can’t you see, this was my only choice?!”
Chris: “You’re just like him…”
Greg: “Steve, you have to live! Don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you!”
Steve: *screams*
Chris: “This time, I can save you.”
Chris: “Get out of here!”
Steve: *screams*
Steve: “What…?”
Herobrine: “Sometimes love has to be cruel. If I’m so wrong, why don’t you tell me?” (yells and glitches) “Explain it to me!”
Chris: I don’t know. I don’t know what I would do if I was in your situation.”
Chris: “But I do know. I know we’ve all been put in this world together, unsure of how to interact with one another, not sure of anything. Really, our freedom to choose how we act is a gift itself, yet it comes with responsibility. For aren’t we all responsible for one another and our world?”
TaupeDude: “Use grab!”
Dinnerbone: “Please forgive me, but to take away the challenge would be such disservice to the student. For a challenge is not to be fear but to be enjoyed. I tremble in excitement! Wondering who you will choose to be in face of this new adversity!”
Steve: “Why does talking never work? What will it take for you to understand?”
Blue Demon: “To be so limited yet always wishing to do more. What a shame.”
X_Grave_X: “Why? Why am I still so weak?!”
Chris: “I know the journey ahead will be tough. I know it will be hard. It will be hard for all of us. There will be challenges, mistakes will be made. But I always ask myself. Isn’t this what growing up entails? Isn’t our suffering at these times justified if it can help us get to where we want to be? Because if this is the only way. Then let us move forward.”
Mustard: “Forward, forward into the darkness, lays a creature of night. Yet far off into the distance, it sees a spark of light. But to acknowledge it, may mean lose oneself, to lose itself entirely, for it could no longer be a creature of darkness. It must become brave enough to lead itself, lead itself to the glimmering light!”
Blue Demon: “But how, how do you know this creature of darkness will ever touch the light?”
Mustard: “Yet there can never be any guarantees, for some may be so lost forever in the night, never able to acknowledge, that it has always been made of light.”
Blue Demon: “An inner and outer battle. A constant struggle, a struggle within oneself. A real Battle of Demons.”
Blue Demon: *gasps* “He came down from the sky!”
Reaper Herobrine: “Fire!”
Narrator: “To be continued!”
Narrator: “Next time on Annoying Villagers: A Creator’s Mercy.”