Annoying Villagers Wiki
Annoying Villagers Wiki

Big Bro Low was a Pufferfish who lived a normal life in the seas with his brother, Joe.


Big Bro Low resembled a normal fully-inflated pufferfish, but with light brown color instead of yellow. He is slightly larger than an unpowered Joe the Pufferfish


Due to his role as a big brother, Big Bro Low was a careful individual.


Low was first seen in a sea with Joe, of whom noticed a taco bait and wanted to bite it. Low warned him, but Joe still persisted, causing him to got stuck in the taco and got reeled out of the water by a player, of whom kidnapped him into her aquarium zoo.

Later, Low got into the aquarium zoo and desperately tried to destroy a glass barrier. In the process however after breaking in there was no water for him to breath, causing him to slowly suffocate and eventually lost his life right in front of Joe's eyes, as he screamed in horror.


  • Joe! Don’t eat that! It’s a trap!”
  • "No, Joe!"