Bob is a villager scout that fought Forest Herobrine and died eventually.
Like all villager scouts, Bob has golden armor and a helm, but with green eyes.
Not much is known about Bob, but he does have determination to take down threatening players, like all villager scouts.
Bob and his comrades discovered a firework and went to investigate, where they found Forest Herobrine waiting for them. Bob was the first to attack, and after two short battles, he and the others were defeated. After Forest Herobrine killed a villager scout, he moved on to Bob, who pleaded for mercy. Herobrine ordered Bob to take him to the closest village, to which Bob refused to. Herobrine turned him into a Zombie Villager Scout, which the last villager scout took as a chance to run away from. Then Herobrine ordered the zombified Bob to find the closest village.
He later finds two villager scouts nearby while heading for the closest village. Though the two attempted to kill Zombie Bob, Herobrine covered it, and sent the zombie flying in the air to kill both from above.
Later, Zombie Bob comes into the battle between X_Grave_X and Herobrine, and separates Grave's Friend, TheMostMoistBurrit0, from assisting Grave against Herobrine. Zombie Bob was able to pin down Burrito, but wasn't able to see Grave running towards it, and was taken down eventually.