The Diamond Blaster Sword is a sword in Annoying Villagers series. It is wielded by warrior-type vessels and made its debut in Annoying Villagers 49.
The sword has a bright single-edged blade made of diamond, with a small protrusion on the longer side. It has a unique guard and diamond pommel, along with a short wooden handle. Upon usage, the blade will turn into a red color.
Usage and Abilities[]
The sword is capable of releasing shock blasts that can be used to deal significant knockback on an enemy, which can be combined with its high damage to cause high damage. In addition, its shock blast can also be used to propel the user closer to or away from the enemy.
- Herobrine Minecraft_Wu - Annoying Villagers 49 only (Normal)
- Herobrine Keaton-Mask - Annoying Villagers 50 - 55 (Normal)
- Herobrine Nut_Pie - Annoying Villagers 52 only (Normal)
- Annoying Villagers 49
- Annoying Villagers 50
- Annoying Villagers 51
- Annoying Villagers 52
- Annoying Villagers 55
- The sword is essentially the polar opposite of the Diamond Attractor Sword, as this sword uses energy to release shock blasts that blows objects further from, while the attractor sword it uses energy to pull objects closer to it.
- Both swords are also made out of diamonds and used by warrior-type vessels.