Annoying Villagers Wiki
Annoying Villagers Wiki



Enchanter is a secondary character and works with Mr.Colder.


Enchanter has a knight-looking skin with a shield made out of diamonds. His appearance, along with his weapons, is a reference to The Shovel Knight. However, in AV38, he was holding a diamond shovel, but in AV40, he was using an enchanted emerald shovel, and in some parts, an emerald shield.


He is also very skilled in using his shovel, and is a skilled spleefer (a person who dig holes to make an enemy fall down). His job is to provide support and intervene with his high defence. In other words, he absorbs all the damage, creating an opening for his partner to attack.

He can only communicate through chat, similar to DaRealBingoBear.


Enchanter and his partner Mr.Colder notice the injured player Steve and decide to help him. Steve then shoots a firework and begins running in the direction of Enchanter and Colder unknowingly. Steve is startled when he sees the two of them standing in front of him. Colder then says "Do not fear. We have come to assist you." but then says "We have conditions. You will join us." Suddenly a Vex flies at the group. Colder then does a flip and strikes the Vex with his sword, killing it. Next Enchanter and Colder begin walking towards the Drowned. They both inspect the Drowned for a brief moment, then begin attacking him. Colder runs at the Drowned, meanwhile Enchanter prepares to throw his shield. Colder then ducks, the shield flies over him and strikes the Drowneds wielded tridents. Colder then swings at the Drowned, but the attack is blocked. The Drowned then uses the trident in his other hand to try to hit Colder but right then Enchanter jumps in front of him, blocking the attack with his shield. The Drowned then jumps away as Enchanter breaks the dirt beneath him with his shovel. After some time Enchanter begins shield bashing the Drowned to give Colder a chance to strike. The shield strikes are blocked, but then Colder emerges from behind Enchanter and attempts to strike the Drowned, he dodges the attack. In chat, Enchanter tells Colder that "Hes much stronger than other mobs we've encountered before." Colder replies with saying that they have faced countless water zombies before and that the result will always be the same (defeat of the water zombies). After a bit of time Colder says "combination five" . Enchanter chats "kk" and runs at the Drowned breaking the dirt he was standing on. Colder than goes in for a strike. The Drowned jumps back landing on Enchanters shield and strikes the shield multiple times. When the Drowned lands he does some swift strikes at Enchanter that end up hitting him and knocking him away. Enchanter then moments later, chats "Fast Shovel!! >:O" and then runs at the Drowned swinging his shovel and shield. The Drowned dodges the attack and Enchanter keeps running and swinging. He destroys dirt and cobblestone as he runs and swings. He then turns around. The Drowned then throws a charged trident at Enchanter. The trident hits the shield and electrocutes Enchanter. Enchanter is stunned and chats, "What?! He can cause negative status effects? :o" The Drowned then runs at Enchanter. Colder swings his sword at him. But the attack is blocked and Colder is knocked away. The Drowned then fights Enchanter alone for a little bit and quickly gets the upper hand. At one point Enchanter is knocked away and the Drowned walks towards him saying that their strategy is impressive but that he assumes his defense can withstand him. The Drowned then begins striking Enchanter repeatedly and ends up knocking his shovel and shield away. Enchanter then rolls under the Drowneds attack and his shield moves towards him but the Drowned quickly notices this and throws a trident at the incoming shield and strikes Enchanter. Enchanter is knocked out.

More to come?


Enchanter throws his shield


  • Strong Blocking Abilities - Enchanter is capable of directly blocking Drowned with his diamond/emerald shield, preventing him from doing any damage.
  • Spleefing - He can speed through many blocks. Even cobblestones.


  • Like DaRealBingoBear, Enchanter doesn’t talk through the microphone - neither does he have subtitles. So the only way for him to communicate with others is by using the Minecraft chat system.
  • Enchanter is one of the fastest characters in the series.
  • Despite being a resistance member, he helps out Steve with Mr.Colder.
  • Enchanter Minecraft Usernames is "minecraft cow"


