Exterminator's Battleaxes are a given name to the small, handheld axes wielded by the Patreon player Exterminator. The weapon made their debut in Annoying Villagers 45.
The axe is a small and relatively light axe, allowing it to be thrown and swung with little difficulty. Its handle is a short one colored black as its blade, along with glowing blue edges that stand out in darkness. Another version of it in Steve's aspects has green glowing edges instead of blue.
- Exterminator - Annoying Villagers 45 - present
- Annoying Villagers 45
- Annoying Villagers 49
- Annoying Villagers 50
- Annoying Villagers 51
- Annoying Villagers 54
- Annoying Villagers 55
- Annoying Villagers 57 (Green version)
- Annoying Villagers 60
- Annoying Villagers 61