The Giant Red Axe is a retractable axe in Annoying Villagers series that made its debut in Annoying Villagers 48 under Snow-BFY's possession.
It is a humongous weapon, being grouped into the 'Heavy Weapons' class. The Giant Red Axe appears a first to be what looks like a normal wooden axe.
Usage and Abilities[]
It can be used to handle lightly and bait people. Then, it transforms into a massive Axe that is much heavier, and although lacking the speed, is extremely damaging if it hits the intended target.
Carrying the status and traits of heavy weaponry, an Axe does more damage than a sword, but at much lower swing rate and speed. Both of these stats are increased significantly and considering the Axe is tremendously large, would be extremely effective with a well timed sneak attack and/or sneak attack (Of which Snow-BFY tried to do against Fuzzy Cloud)
- Snow-BFY - Annoying Villagers 48 - 50 (Formerly)
- Annoying Villagers 48
- Annoying Villagers 49 (Background)
- Annoying Villagers 50 (Background)
- This is the second axe to be disguised as a vanilla Minecraft axe. The first being the Red-Steel Axe.
- Right now, it is unknown what the Giant Red Axe is made of, but its base form looks like a normal wooden axe.
- it is unknown what happened to this axe which is wielded by Snow-BFY since Annoying Villagers 53 but it is likely that she lost this after she fell into a tower from the Resistance Desert Camp when she too was teleported by Dinnerbone alike to Ghost ganba.