Annoying Villagers Wiki

This page contains minor items obtained from the Advanced Villager Trading System.

List of Items from the Advanced Villager Trading System[]

Name Description Image First Appearance
Blue Bread Blue Bread appears to be a blue version of bread. It is most likely consumable and is crafted using 3 Blue Wheat.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 6.30
Episode 23
Blue Cake Blue Cake appears to be a blue version of cake. It is most likely consumable and uses blue wheat, an egg, milk buckets, and sugar to be crafted.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 6.30
Episode 23
Purple Fish Purple Fish is a purple version of fish, that can most likely be consumed and cooked.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 6.30
Episode 23
Bucket of Unidentified Yellow Liquid Bucket that contains an unknown yellow liquid, that is possibly urine or butter.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 6.40
Episode 33
Greenstone Greenstone is a green variation on redstone that has unknown attributes.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.17
Episode 23
Dark Blue Diamonds Dark blue variation of diamonds.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.41
Episode 23
Yellow Emeralds Yellow variation of emeralds. They are labeled 'cat' for an unknown reason.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.41
Episode 23
Purple Emeralds Purple variant of emeralds.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.39
Episode 23
Blue Wheat Blue variant of wheat, most likely used to craft blue cake and blue bread.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.38
Episode 23
Bananas Most likely used to craft the Witch's Banana Phone with redstone. They can be traded for 666 at a time.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 6.33
Episode 23
Blue Baked Potato Blue Version of Baked Potato. Most likely also has an unbaked variant.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.39
Episode 23
Blue Chicken Blue Version of chicken, most likely has a cooked variant.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 11.25
Episode 23
Poop Drawing A Drawing of Poop that Jev was able to trade for 1 iron.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.25
Episode 29
Cheese sandwich Most likely crafted using 2 bread and 1 cheese.
Episode 29
Bed Sandwich Bed surrounded by bread. Most likely crafted using 2 bread and 1 bed.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.40
Episode 23
Command Block Minecart Command block in a minecart. Can be used for commands.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 9.23
Episode 25
Cooked Purple Fish Encased in Blue Cookie Possibly contains a cooked variant of purple fish and a blue cookie, possibly crafted from cocoa beans and blue wheat.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.40
Episode 23
Aqua Seeds Most likely grow an unknown plant (possibly blue melons), that can be consumed.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.39
Episode 23
Half of a Bucket An unidentified villager can trade this for a lava bucket.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.24
Episode 29
Blue XP Bottle Blue version of XP Bottle that will most likely drop XP when thrown.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.40
Episode 23
Green and Yellow Ingot An ingot that comes from an unknown source and can be traded with an unknown villager for 344 at a time.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.40
Episode 23
Blue Melon Blue version of Melon. Possibly grown from aqua seeds.
Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 8.41
Episode 23
Iron Battleaxe Main Article: Iron Battleaxe

Oddly shaped Battleaxe.

Villager Battleaxe
Episode 23
Hooked Diamond Sword Main article: Hooked Diamond Sword

A hooked version of a diamond sword

Sword 2
Episode 13
Diamond Dagger Main Article: Diamond Dagger

A mini version of a diamond sword.

Diamond Dagger (Annoying Villagers)
Episode 13
Diamond Falchion Main Article: Diamond Falchion

A longer and katana shaped version of a diamond sword.

Diamond Falchion Not Enchanted
Episode 23
Big Sword Main Article: Big Sword

A longer variant of a diamond sword with a different hilt.

Episode 23
Long Sword Main Article: Long Sword

A longer version of a diamond sword.

Episode 33