“ | We'll have to engage... Maneuver 64! | ” |
–Joe, informing the other scouts to perform the move |
Maneuver 64 is a battle strategy invented and used by Villager Scouts for dealing with Bow Campers (Minecraft term) when behind cover.
The technique is a maneuver only used against hostile species deemed level 10 threats by the Villager Scouts. It requires much more effort and skill to properly accomplish than simple step techniques. A perfect formation of three Villagers much each play their separate parts in performing the attack against ranged attackers.
This maneuver was demonstrated against TheMostMoistBurrit0 when being boxed in with arrows, forced to wall off the attacks and engage. Despite being able to swamp single targets with their arrows (as shown to cause a Player to drop their bow and arrow from he impact), the Villager Scout's Maneuver leaves them wide open for attack to close-combat fighters, to which their initial target can assist their teammates and pick them off.
A Villager Scout first throws an ender pearl over their barricade whilst the second Villager covers him by intercepting any arrows fired at the enderpearl. A third Villager Scout throws an enderpearl after the first, teleporting directly in front to deflect any arrows once the second Villager Scout who threw the first enderpearl had teleported. Afterwards, the first Scout proceeds to enderpearl next to the second Scout, as the third Villager scout hastily jumps to their right. The two Villager Scouts act as the frontline, using their bow and arrows to bombard their target(s) with arrows whilst the third Villager Scout observes the battle and plays an assistive role afterwards.
- The Maneuver 64 is the first and so far only known assembly technique in the entire series.