Annoying Villagers Wiki

Mobs are species in the series which are based on the game Minecraft which are naturally generated from different terrains and lands. Each mob has its own habitat. Zombies are hostile mobs that can be only be spawned in the darkness. However mobs cannot respawn and cannot communicate like humans. They can be spawned by a spawner or by natural generation.


Mobs appear in different kinds like cows, chicken, wolves, sheep, and pigs. However hostile mobs can be zombie, creeper, enderman, and skeletons.


Some mobs do not attack players like others. But hostile mobs like zombies and husks attack players and villagers. There are certain entities that can control mobs like zombies which is Herobrine. Some mobs can be tamed like the wolves.


Mobs are used as a food by players and as a source of food. They are used for items to be crafted like leather and wool for building. The wolf can be tamed for protection. Hostile mobs drop loot that can be used to brew potions.

Mobs in the series[]
