“ | Summoning! | ” |
–Herobrine Greg, demonically yelling before creating a portal that spawns Swordsman Herobrine Annoying Villagers 48 |
Portal Creation is a reoccuring ability within Annoying Villagers series. This ability allows the users to create portals at the desired locations.
The user is able to create portals, which are used to transport anything from one portal to another without traversing the physical space between them.
- Teleportation Diversion: The destination of the portal can be redirected, causing it to land on a different position.
Portal Creation was first seen used by Dinnerbone in Annoying Villagers 42, where he created numerous purple portals to teleport Steve in certain observations. At one point in the past Dinnerbone also created a purple portal which he teleported out of it then attacked Swordsman Herobrine, of whom was about to correct Blue Demon.
In Annoying Villagers 48, after the Herobrine Forces tracked down Blue Demon in a ravine, Herobrine Greg slammed his hand to the ground, which an orange glowing portal burst forth and Swordsman Herobrine emerged out of the portal.
In Annoying Villagers 50, Invisible Herobrine created an orange glowing portal in a similar way as Herobrine Greg, which a Herobrine vessel emerged out of it. Later Aegis Herobrine created an orange glowing portal which likely supposedly lead him and his fellow vessels to the Desert Camp, but got redirected by Dinnerbone somewhere else in the desert. Dinnerbone then created a purple portal, where he emerged out of it and encountered the Herobrine vessels.
In Annoying Villagers 51, after Swordsman Herobrine revealed his second form of weaponry, Herobrine Greg created a portal that went straight to the Resistance players. He later created several more orange portals which a Red-Shirt Zombie and several zombies emerged out of the portals to attack the Players.
In Annoying Villagers 52, Aegis Herobrine was seen creating a glowing orange portal to leave the battlefield against Dinnerbone.
In Annoying Villagers 54, after founding Steve, Entity303 created a green portal behind him then dragged him in the portal. The portal transports them to Entity303's realm.
- Dinnerbone (Annoying Villagers 42 - Present; Purple)
- Herobrine Greg (Annoying Villagers 48 - Present; Orange)
- Invisible Herobrine (Annoying Villagers 50; Deceased; Orange)
- Aegis Herobrine (Annoying Villagers 50 - Present; Orange)
- Entity303 (Annoying Villagers 54; Green)
- Annoying Villagers 42
- Annoying Villagers 44
- Annoying Villagers 48
- Annoying Villagers 50
- Annoying Villagers 51
- Annoying Villagers 52
- Annoying Villagers 54