"YOU TRAITOR!!! I thought we were friends! I added you on my friend list!"
-ShuGuangFOS. Annoying Villagers 51
ShuGuangFOS (now as Dawn-FOS) is a member of The Resistance Tribe. He was seen in Annoying Villagers Episode 51, He was prepared to attack the Swordsman Herobrine right before Herobrine Ultimabrines grabbed him for the Swordsman Herobrine to kill him.
He seems to be unaware to a lot of things. Proven by that he didn't know that half his friends have betrayed the Resistance or joined the Alliance or neither Illager Forces like Mr.Colder did.
His friend list only shows UnityPusheen, Ultimabrines, Mr.Colder, Midnight 569, Ellie and Lt. Scott. It is unknown if he had more friends.
He appears to be the only player to reveal his friend list.
His name was originally ShuGuangFOS. But in the later episodes, he changed it but kept his skin the same.