Taco Cat is a taco restaurant that briefly appears in Annoying Villagers 21. The building is set in the middle of a forest.
Taco Cat's main building is composed of purpur blocks, with a large TACOCAT word set on the building. There is a pathway leading to the entrance made out of bricks. It also has several benches in front. So far the restaurant is only seen serving Tacos and BBQ Sauce.
The Witch's first plan failed, so he went with plan B, which was to get rid of Charlie the Creeper, which the Witch told an Enderman to do. The Enderman refused and the Witch had to give it a diamond to persuade it to do so. The Enderman then teleported Charlie to Taco Cat. Charlie then got really mad telling the Enderman that he promised his master he would protect Boop and MrFudgeMonkeyz with his life. The Enderman then gets him to calm down with tacos. Charlie asks if he has hot sauce, the Enderman tells Charlie that he forgot, Charlie then gets mad again and threatens to kill him and then quickly calms down again when the Enderman teleports to get hot sauce.