The Gorge is the name given to the location first seen in Annoying Villagers 6, when MrFudgeMonkeyz is running away from Boop, Green, and the Villager in the White Robe. It is the main setting of most of the early Annoying Villagers episodes, from Annoying Villagers 6 to 14
The Gorge is an open area below the ground filled with abundant resources such as coal, iron and stone. Its flat surface makes it a very suitable location for fighting and establishing dance battles.
In Annoying Villagers 6, when MrFudgeMonkeyz is running away from Boop, Green, and the Villager in the White Robe, he stumbles into the Gorge and is held in place by the White-Robed Villager while the zombies also find them. The White-Robed Villager tells them to attack them, but the zombies betray them after being threatened to be eaten by the witch. As the zombies charged at them, a mysterious person watched over from atop of the Gorge.
In the next episode, the mysterious person ender pearled in between the zombies and the villagers and was able to defeat the zombies. He then revealed himself to be Steve and explained that he was on a mission to hunt Herobrine.
Following the events of the eight episode, the witch and his enderman minions teleported in, in an attempt to kill them, but Boop challenges them to a dance battle before they can attack, which they accepted anyways. The dance battle ensued for some time and the villagers appeared to win the dance battle, but the witch decided to give them 5 minutes to escape, Boop demands for more minutes, much to the Witch's anger.