Toxikinesis is a reoccurring ability in Annoying Villagers series. It made its debut in Annoying Villagers 35 in the form of BBQ Sauce's poisonous eggs.
Users of this ability are able to create, manipulate, and inflict poison against their enemies. While there are several natural wielders of this ability, other creatures can also have access to this ability in basic levels using poison potions.
Usage and Power[]
This ability can be proven to be very lethal, using the advantage of poison's health-draining property. On basic levels, toxikinesis users are able to fire poisonous projectiles, as demonstrated by BBQ Sauce who is able to fire poisonous eggs from his bottom, though not as effective as poison potions as he claimed.
On higher levels, users of toxikinesis are able to generate a poison aura, which is an effective AoE attack that poisons anyone within its vicinity. This is mainly demonstrated by Joe the Pufferfish, who poisoned Shadow Herobrine to death using his poison cloud.
- BBQ Sauce - Annoying Villagers 35 - present
- Joe the Pufferfish - Annoying Villagers 47 only